Carrier oils can be considered a kind of essential oil. These oils are used to dilute highly concentrated essential oils. These oils act as a transporter of nutrients from essential oil to the skin. Essential oils do not suit every skin type, there is always a risk of irritation, rashes, or any other skin issues. Therefore these oils are mixed with carrier oils of lower concentration to nourish your skin. There are a lot of different carrier oils to choose from. Most of them can be used with any essential oil, but there are a few factors to keep in mind before making your choice, some of them are given under… The odor of a few carrier oils is peculiar. It has the potential to change the aroma of an essential oil when applied to it. Some carrier oils are better absorbed by your skin than others. Skin type: Some oils may irritate your skin or exacerbate a skin issue like acne, depending on your skin type. Shelf life: Some carrier oils can be stored for longer periods of time without g...